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Republic Master Trust Provident Fund Scheme (RMTPPS)

Republic Master Trust Provident Pension Scheme (RMTPPS) is a generic, multi-employer pension scheme created to offer employers in the formal sector a cost-effective vehicle for participating in a Tier-3 Pension Scheme for employees. By pooling contributions, the Republic Master Trust Provident Pension Scheme offers economies of scale advantages required to optimize yield and portfolio diversification.

The Republic Master Trust Provident Pension Scheme (RMTPPS) is designed to assist members save regularly to ensure income security. It is a voluntary and flexible retirement benefits plan aimed at building up retirement capital. Members can contribute any amount. However, tax relief on contributions is up to 16.50% of the gross salary of the employee. Contributions are not taxable and payable on the 14th day of every month. Withdrawal

  1. Tax-free withdrawals can be made from the scheme provided the contributor has been on the scheme for at least 10 years.
  2. Withdrawals before 10 years shall be subject to the applicable tax rate at the time of processing claims, currently 15%.
  3. Tax-free withdrawals for Covid-19 induced loss of permanent job (pursuant to the Income Tax Amendment Act, 2020). A member shall do so by completing the appropriate forms and attaching relevant supporting documents as directed by NPRA.
  4. On the death of a contributor, benefits shall be paid to nominated beneficiary or beneficiaries.
